Joshua Akan-Etuk

Product-focused full stack developer. Born + Raised in RVA. Available for freelance.
Typescript, Node, React, Javascript, Java, Python
watched v2
Conquer your watchlist one movie at a time! Movie watching app (clone of Letterboxd).
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Postgres
  • Quirrel (Serverless Queuing)
  • Javascript
  • TMDB API (API Integration)
watched v1
Log and track all of the movies you watch. For movie fanatics. Vanilla Javascript clone of popular movie logging app, Letterboxd.
  • Javascript
  • TMDB API (API Integration)
A Chrome extension boilerplated with Jonghakseo/chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite.s
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Browser Extension
  • Javascript
  • Notion API